Birthday 🎂
Estimated 2005
Gotcha Day 💕
July 20, 2023
Breed 🐴
Personality ⭐️
Miss Smartypants
Gender 🧬
Height ✋
About My Riders 🤠
Rhaenyra cannot be requested at this time - currently in training
Experience Level:
Confident Experienced
Weight Class:
She carries riders up to 200lbs
Age Group:
Rhaenyra is great for experienced teens and adults
A Bit About Me 🐎
My story 💕
Hello there! My name is Rhaenyra, and yes, I share my name with the fierce queen from the House of Dragons. 🐉 When I first arrived at my new home in July 2023, I was a bundle of nerves – wiggled at the sight of the saddle, anxious about being mounted, and only able to trot at my fastest. Luckily, Liz saw my struggles and called in the experts. With their support, I’ve started feeling much better and braver! I’m filled with curiosity now, and guess what? I can even canter when asked!
Adjusting to my new herd was quite the spectacle! After a period of quarantine, I was finally introduced to my new friends. I raced up to them, full of excitement, and exclaimed, “HEY GUYS, LET’S BE FRIENDS!” My eagerness wasn’t met with the same enthusiasm at first, but slowly, my contagious spirit melted their hearts, and now we share a bond I cherish. There’s nothing quite like having friends to trot around with!
But the adventure doesn’t end there! One of my absolute favorite companions is Brooklyn, a wonderful kid who always comes to visit me. We have the best time together! Whether she's brushing my coat, helping me with my horse yoga or hanging out with me in the pasture, her laughter and kindness make my days brighter. She’s like family to me, and I love having a partner with whom to share my journey.
I’m also diving headfirst into gymkhana, honing my skills in barrel racing, a talent I’m eager to showcase! Every year, I look forward to the annual 4H Allegan 5-day horse clinic, which feels like going to summer college for horses and kids. It’s an amazing experience where we learn about good horsemanship, practice proper drills, and master patterns. Together, Brooklyn and I soak up knowledge like sponges, and I’m proud of how much we’re growing. Each drill strengthens our partnership and brings us closer together.
While I’m still working on my anxiety and shedding some extra weight, every day feels like a step toward becoming my best self. I’m discovering my true personality, a spirited horse with a heart full of joy, excitement, and a dash of playful mischief. I can’t wait to see what the future holds—more adventures, more learning, and, of course, more unforgettable moments with my family. Here’s to new friends and the beautiful journey ahead!